16 commentaires

  1. Minecraft Builder a dit:

    i couldn’t understand a word, sorry

    18 janvier 2015
  2. Grossly Grosslyclever a dit:

    I got the same background.

    18 janvier 2015
  3. Cocut Rares a dit:

    Here – Control PanelAppearance and Personalization

    18 janvier 2015
  4. Charles Maggie a dit:

    Why I still have DAT trouble with it? I find an solution by myself. If you
    have trouble here, you may try « open dat file with dat file converter
    idealshare » in Google. I find my own solution there.

    18 janvier 2015
  5. Curtis Roberts a dit:

    hey man can u do something for hayday with iexporer

    18 janvier 2015
  6. 2012soulshine a dit:

    Thanks, that was so helpful! the only problem was, it was kind of hard to
    see the icons and what u were explaining.

    18 janvier 2015
  7. Ang _ Payaso a dit:

    i can
    not understand….

    18 janvier 2015
  8. Puella Magi Homura Akemi a dit:

    This vid dont helps at all, I want to extract/change audio in a dat file,
    make a tutorial for that ffs

    18 janvier 2015
  9. Potato Nintyone a dit:

    Can u help me I can’t find appearance and personalisation I can only find
    personalise but it won’t open

    18 janvier 2015
  10. Potato Nintyone a dit:

    U got a new subscriber

    18 janvier 2015
  11. Potato Nintyone a dit:

    +Vrunki Hoang

    18 janvier 2015
  12. Potato Nintyone a dit:

    @Vrunki Hoang

    18 janvier 2015
  13. Emil Foremski a dit:

    ‹� íšKoÓ@�FďřUŰI[��«lŮvÉŽ&ĄD
    (R7l¦ń(1r<•;‰”}�ď‡�†-ص]ŮÍŘ�Wí&˝]ąňwÇv|N¬|‰ ŕ€ŃŁ‚ş pÇ�ă€N�¸űÓ°sÄąÇB�ś��,ňipšdÚ�hľ�¦�VŹNčˆ��0»|� BŔ8 ¸ Xž! �-ËěŐdtČ6Ś,<¨ ›i†<¬ÉXů‚ků†ťo8 ăn�n F_°ÉůŚ˙Q6�GÚĎfÔ�č±�řb®Ă˝âż˝ř5çŁř5��î�w<§Cáó°ďý‹˙txÜ7đĂ×�ťłč�›± �.­úfĘNĹNşckńpŮžíĹ�éá˛SŮ9�4�2ÉŞçłůč–dTr}Ů™äSw�ÖKg�IV«<Ź�ťżó’LruéŃňƒmË®.ťz Ű•ĎY -_- dislike

    18 janvier 2015
  14. FailedGaming a dit:

    its diz?

    18 janvier 2015
  15. Vrunki Hoang a dit:

    I use this trick to hack gta 3

    18 janvier 2015
  16. Sai Laxman a dit:

    what is that over the LCD

    18 janvier 2015

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