11 commentaires

  1. soundtraining.net a dit:

    New video: How to Share Files Using NFS on #Linux. http://ow.ly/zkIoY
    #centos #redhat

    7 mars 2015
  2. Asif Adnan a dit:

    while doing nfs server configuration in RHEL6 , i am facing the error-
    mount.nfs:access denied by serverwhile mounting……

    please help me :(

    7 mars 2015
  3. Sreejith s a dit:

    Hi Don, Its nice to see your videos , I’m preparing for RHCE and your
    videos do really helps me a lot. Kindly add tutorials of configuring
    Postfix and Unbound services in RHEL 7 .

    7 mars 2015
  4. abigail tambi a dit:

    thanks a lot you videos really help me

    7 mars 2015
  5. Suvankar Das a dit:

    Don it’s gr8 for beginners..will follow ur post/blog

    7 mars 2015
  6. bemonolit a dit:

    can you do the same tutorial but for ubuntu ?

    7 mars 2015
  7. manoj immanuel a dit:

    Clear and informative , Thank you Don . 

    7 mars 2015
  8. Juan Manuel Bello Reyes a dit:

    How to Share Files Using NFS

    7 mars 2015
  9. alexander shekhtman a dit:

    How do you set up a share client on Mac OS X 10.9.x?
    I found many sites how do it, but none of the info works.
    Also, my linux machine is, not as you use

    7 mars 2015
  10. Don R. Crawley | Author/Speaker a dit:

    New video: How to Share Files Using NFS on #Linux. http://ow.ly/zkIoY
    #centos #redhat

    7 mars 2015

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